My Journey through #EDU

Kaylee Rondan

For my "Do Something" project I decided to learn how to cook one of my favorite foods!

I wanted this to be my project because I've always wanted to learn but never actually pushed myself in doing so. Finally accomplishing this makes me feel like a different person and knowing I can do anything once I put my mind to it.

Cooking is an expression that crosses boundaries.

My Survey Data

Knowing how to cook

For one of my questions I asked members of my class if they knew how to cook. In this pie chart it shows that majority of the responses said yes. I can conclude that most of my classmates know how to provide for themselves

Who taught you

For those who answered "yes" the next question I wanted to know was who taught them. Everyone who answered said it was their mom. This shows that a mother is the first and most likey the person who teaches you how to take care of yourself.

Trying new foods

My final question was to see if people would be open to trying new foods and to my surprise majority of the people said "yes". Usually some would stick to same routine and the same food. But by open-minded and seeing what else there is to offer could really open your eyes and expand your knowledge about different cultures.

My Ignite Talk

In my Ignite talk, I created a powerpoint including words but mostly pictures and explained the steps on how to achieve making this meal. I talked about background, ingredients, instructions, and my experience overall.

I hope my ignite talk helps viewers understand the process, be inspired, and most importantly have fun!!


My Pathway: Video

I chose to do video because I felt it best described the process and made the whole experience come alive. To get a better picture of my journey I needed to capture everyday life. My video demonstrates how to achieve this meal and also gives you something new to learn!!

In this video I used:

* Series of videos

* Music

* Voice over

* Splice

Down below is my video and you can determine yourself how i did... Enjoy :)

" learn something. We studied the power of reflection and feedback. We wrote collaborative case studies analyzing learning spaces from a connected learning lens. Students learned to podcast and blog as they then reflected on learning something new.

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